Best Budget Laptop: 10 Tips to Choose for Gaming & Daily Task

Find the best friendly laptop for casual gaming, work, and multitasking without lags or compromising essential features.


Tech Desk

1/21/202410 min read

person holding ballpoint pen writing note on Budget Laptop buying tips
person holding ballpoint pen writing note on Budget Laptop buying tips

Are you looking for an Budget friendly laptop that can handle basic gaming and everyday tasks without any lag? You are at right place! In this article, we'll give you 10 tips to help you choose the best budget laptop as per your needs. Whether you're a student, professional or simply looking for a reliable laptop for everyday use, these tips will help you make an intelligent purchasing decision.

1. Determine your needs
  • Before we start talking about budget laptops, let me say, "Know thyself, my friend". Seriously, the first step is to determine exactly how you intend to use your computer.

  • We all have different needs and expectations of a laptop. Maybe you want a simple machine for surfing the web, writing documents and sketching out that million-dollar application idea over a cup of coffee. Or maybe you need a more powerful computer, capable of handling heavy multimedia editing operations, hours of intense coding sessions or regular play of the latest games.

  • In the first case, you can probably make do with a more modest configuration, prioritizing portability, battery life and basic specifications. On the other hand, for intensive users, content creators and gamers, you'll need to splash out a bit on high-end components such as powerful processors, discrete graphics cards and plenty of RAM.

  • In short, don't blindly buy the cheapest laptop you can find. It's a sure-fire way to end up with buyer's remorse when the underpowered device can't meet your requirements. But you don't need to break the bank buying an overpowered system either, if e-mail and web browsing are the only things you need.

  • So take the time to think about your laptop needs and expectations. This awareness will enable you to sort things out and focus on the business models that really meet your needs. No extra costs, no disappointing performance, just the Goldilocks zone of laptop perfection!

2. Set a budget
  • We all want a bargain when we buy a new laptop, but don't get carried away. Before rushing out to buy those bargain-basement options, take a step back and think about your financial situation. What can you reasonably afford to spend without putting a strain on your wallet? Set yourself a firm, reasonable budget.

  • The rock-bottom prices of basic laptops may seem tempting, but believe me, you'll regret skimping if the device is barely capable of meeting your needs. At the same time, there's no need to go overboard and spend all your savings on an oversized computer. Find the happy medium: a laptop that meets all your needs without putting you into debt. A little self-control today will save you a lot of headaches later.

3. Look for a reliable processor
  • Listen, nobody likes a stuttering, laggy laptop that can't keep up, right? You want that thing humming like a well-oiled machine, seamlessly juggling all your apps and tasks. To avoid those annoying freezes and delays, you gotta pay attention to the processor under the hood.

  • My advice? Don't settle for some bargain-bin CPU that'll have you pulling your hair out. Treat yourself to an Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen chip instead. Those babies strike a sweet spot, delivering solid performance without making you take out a second mortgage. With enough muscle to blaze through your workloads, you can multitask like a pro and keep that productivity flowing.

  • Just don't go overboard trying to future-proof with the latest top-of-the-line processors either. That's overkill for most folks and an easy way to blow your budget. Stick to that smart middle ground, and your laptop experience will be as smooth as butter.

4. Consider RAM and storage
  • Alright, let's talk RAM and storage - those specs that can make or break your laptop experience. For the casual user just browsing the web, working on docs, and streaming shows, 8 gigs of RAM should have you covered. But if you're the type who likes to juggle a million apps and tasks at once, or you're really into gaming, do yourself a favor and go for 16GB. That extra memory will keep things running butter smooth, no more rage-quitting when your laptop starts chugging.

  • As for storage, you've got some options to consider. A solid-state drive (SSD) will make that baby boot up wicked fast and load programs in a blink. But let's be real, those suckers are pricey for higher capacities. That's where having a trusty hard disk drive (HDD) in the mix really shines. The HDD gives you tons of space to hoard all your files, videos, and viking metal albums. The dream team? Rocking both an SSD for speediness and an HDD for massive storage. Your laptop will be a lean, mean, multi-tasking machine.

  • So don't just default to the bare minimum specs. A few smart upgrades in the RAM and storage departments can elevate your laptop game tremendously without blowing your budget to smithereens. A little strategic splurging goes a long way!

5. Check the graphics card
  • Ah yes, the eternal question of laptop gamers: how much graphics power do I really need? Let me give you a solid answer.

  • If you just want to play casual games, without too much intensity, you can probably make do with an integrated graphics chip. On the other hand, if you want to immerse yourself in sleek, modern games, with all the sophisticated visual effects, you'll need a dedicated graphics card in the corner of your laptop.

  • You don't have to splash out on an expensive mobile GPU. For games on a budget, an NVIDIA GeForce MX150 or AMD Radeon RX Vega card can be a solid option. They'll let you run most games fairly smoothly without reducing the display quality to potato quality.

  • Just don't expect the latest AAA titles to be tuned to the max, you know? Those bad boys will still make your discrete GPU sweat. But for indie gems, esports titles and less demanding games, an entry-level dedicated graphics card can breathe new life into your laptop gaming experience.

  • So don't overlook graphics cards altogether if you're a gamer on a budget. A modest but judicious investment in a high-performance GPU can turn your laptop from a simple multimedia machine into a light, efficient gaming platform. Just manage your expectations accordingly!

6. Display and resolution
  • You know, when it comes to a laptop, the screen is a very important element - no pun intended! You're going to be staring at that screen for hours, so you might as well make sure it's a good fit.

  • For most casual users, a 15.6" Full HD screen is just right. It's big enough to be nice and roomy, but not too imposing so you can carry it around easily. And with a resolution of 1920x1080, everything looks crisp and clear, with no pixelation.

  • But let's face it, size isn't everything. A small screen can look sharp with the right resolution, and vice versa. So don't settle for the standard 15.6-inch option if it doesn't suit your needs and preferences.

  • If you're more of a stay-at-home type, opt for a slightly larger screen so you can watch movies as an option. Are you a portable warrior who lives out of a backpack? Reduce the size of your computer to make it as portable as possible. Be careful, however, not to opt for too small a size or too low a resolution, unless you want screenshots to constantly resemble an impressionist painting.

  • Ultimately, this screen is your window on the digital world. Don't settle for something that will make you squint or regret your choice a few months later. Take the time to find the perfect size and resolution to suit your lifestyle and your eyes. A little thought before you buy goes a long way!

7. Battery life
  • You know, one of the most frustrating things about laptops is running out of battery at the worst possible moment. You're working on a project or watching your favorite series, and then the low battery warning pops up to spoil all the fun.

  • That's why battery life should be one of your top priorities, especially if you're the kind of person who's constantly on the move. Nobody wants to be hooked up to a power outlet or carry a brick-heavy charger everywhere they go. The "portable" aspect just doesn't cut it, does it?

  • So do yourself a favor and look for laptop models that can hold up over the long haul. Any model that promises at least 8 hours of unplugged autonomy is a safe bet. So you can work or play without worrying about battery life.

  • Of course, manufacturers' battery promises are often inflated best-case scenarios. Real-life use with high brightness, running applications, streaming videos - the battery drains faster. But a battery life of 8 hours gives you plenty of leeway.

  • Anything less than that and you'll probably find yourself scrambling for the nearest outlet like twice a day. And let's be real, nobody wants their whole routine revolving around battery management for their laptop. You got better things to do!

  • So don't just default to the cheapest option and hope for the best. Do your research, read the reviews, and prioritize laptops built for true all-day usage away from outlets. A little extra investment upfront can save you from tons of frustration and charging hassles down the road!

8. Connectivity options
  • Ah yes, ports - the unsung heroes of laptop connectivity. You can have the slickest, most powerful machine in the world, but if it doesn't have the right ports, you're basically working with one hand tied behind your back.

  • Think about all the gadgets and gizmos you might need to plug in - external drives, mice, keyboards, monitors, projectors, you name it. Without the proper ports, you're either stuck squinting at that tiny laptop screen or scrambling for adapters and dongles galore. And let's be real, nobody wants to look like they're navigating a rat's nest of cables just to be productive.

  • So before pulling the trigger on a new laptop, take a good hard look at its port situation. How many USBs does it have? The more the merrier for connecting all your peripherals. An HDMI out is clutch for easily linking up to bigger displays. SD card readers, ethernet jacks - think about what you'll actually use and plan accordingly.

  • Don't just assume every laptop checks all the connectivity boxes these days either. With the trends towards compact designs, some cut corners and ditch ports to save space. Which is all well and good...until you realize you need to hook up that one random device.

  • A little port prudence upfront can really pay dividends in use-ability and just general hassle prevention. Nobody wants to be that person asking to "borrow a dongle" at every meeting. So don't be stingy - opt for a solid array of connections that'll keep your workflow hassle-free for years to come!

9. Read reviews and compare
  • You know what they say - don't go into any major purchase blind! When it comes to dropping some cash on a new laptop, doing your research is absolutely crucial.

  • I'm talking more than just glancing at the specs and price tag. You've got to dive deep into those reviews and see what real-world users have to say about performance, build quality, and overall satisfaction. The good, the bad, the ugly - you want the full scoop.

  • Tech specs can be misleading sometimes. What looks solid on paper might actually underdeliver or have nagging issues in practice. But sifting through a bunch of brutally honest user reviews? That'll give you way more insight into how a laptop actually holds up day-to-day.

  • Maybe the advertised battery life is a total myth. Perhaps the keyboard feels mushy and cheapo. You might even uncover persistent glitches or dealbreaker flaws the marketing glosses over. The reviews don't lie!

  • So before taking that financial plunge, spend some quality time digging around reputable sources and tech publications. See how different models stack up against each other according to people who have truly put them through their paces. It's the best way to separate the gems from the lemons.

  • And don't just read the raves either - dissenting opinions matter too. If a bunch of people are complaining about the same issues on an otherwise well-reviewed laptop, that's probably a red flag worth heeding.

  • A little due diligence goes a long way here. At the end of the day, you're the one who has to live with your purchase day in and day out. Do you really want to roll those dice without being fully informed? Of course not! Let the wisdom of the masses guide your decision.

10. Warranty and customer support
  • Alright, we've gone over specs, performance, and reviews - but there's one more crucial factor that can make or break your laptop experience: the warranty and customer support situation.

  • Look, even the best, most thoroughly researched laptops can still run into issues down the line. Maybe a component fails prematurely, or some nagging software glitch rears its ugly head months after purchase. When that happens, you don't want to be high and dry, left scrambling and out of luck.

  • That's why taking a good hard look at the manufacturer's warranty coverage is an absolute must. Does it only cover a laughably short period? Are there a bunch of annoying exceptions and fine print loopholes? You want comprehensive protection that actually has your back for a reasonable amount of time.

  • While you're at it, get the scoop on their customer service rep too. You'll likely need to go through official support channels for any warranty claims or troubleshooting. Having responsive, competent humans on the other end can make that process so much smoother versus being trapped in a bureaucratic runaround.

  • Some brands are infamous for having abysmal customer care that'll leave you tearing your hair out. Others have reputations for genuinely stellar service. Don't just assume they're all equally mediocre - do some digging and find out who has your back properly.

  • At the end of the day, a solid warranty and support system gives you peace of mind with your pricey laptop purchase. It's insurance against total meltdowns and catastrophes. Skimping in this area to save a few bucks is just asking for potential headaches galore down the road. Play it smart and make sure you're covered! Your future self will thank you.


To sum it up, finding the ideal budget laptop requires careful consideration of your needs and diligent research. By assessing your computing requirements, setting a reasonable budget, and evaluating factors such as processor, RAM, storage, graphics, display quality, battery life, connectivity options, user reviews, and warranty coverage, you can make an informed decision. Don't let low prices alone sway you – prioritize value and performance within your budget. With the right approach, you'll be able to find a budget laptop that handles daily tasks, light gaming, and multitasking without compromising on essential features or experiencing lags. Invest time upfront to ensure a satisfying long-term experience that meets your needs while respecting your financial constraints.